
Friday, December 10, 2021


 Hello welcome back to my blog 

Today I will be talking about Tabloids. For 3 years we have been doing Tabloids. There was 12 activity's and 24 groups. The 12 activity's were Egg and spoon, Skipping with hoops, Three legged race, Target throw, Bean bag 0's and X's, Sack race, Nerf throw, Running relay, Rat race, Jumping paper/Scissors Rock,Over and under and Fill the bucket. These activity's were very fun to do. Plus my team got third

1 comment:

  1. Well done to you and your team Lyah.
    The day was certainly fun.I had a blast tipping a bucket of water over Mr Taylor,with the help of someone else.

    What activity did you like best?.
    Mine was the bouncy castle as I sat on it to take some cool photos.

    Have a wonderful holiday.


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