
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Summer learning Journey

Hello welcome back to my blog 

Today I did another activity of the summer learning journey. It was about making a paper ship and seeing if it could float on water. Sometimes the boat breaks so you should fold it a bit hardly. I us A4 paper then newspaper because I didn't have any newspaper. I decided to take a video then a photo.



  1. Kia Ora Lyah, Kiana-Marino here from the summer learning journey.

    Tauke! Awesome, thank you for sharing your floating boats with us on your blog. I think creating the boats alone is a challenge but the fact that they were able to bloat is great. You should consider doing the “step it up” activity where you add weight on the boat to see if they keep a float, I think your boats will do well. What do you think?

    Awesome blogging e hoa, keep it up!

    Ngā mihi,
    Kiana-Marino (SLJ)

  2. Good morning Lyah.
    I really like that you made 2 boats of different sizes and that you made the water move as well.They are obviously well made as they stayed afloat.
    If you left them in the water,I wonder how long they would float for.
    Maybe this is something you could try.

    I look forward to seeing your next blog.Well done on completing another task.

    All the best.

  3. Hello Lyah.
    I just thought I would check your blog to see if you had completed any new SLJ activity.

    I can't wait to see what other learning you have been working on.

    What have you been doing over these long holidays?.

    I went to mini golf last week with my daughter and tomorrow we are going to Willowbank.

  4. Hello Lyah.
    I just thought I would do a quick check of room 12 blogs and see if there was any new posts that might have been added.
    I can't wait to see what other activities you have tried or completed.
    Take care and keep up the super learning.

  5. Hello Lyah.
    I am just leaving a comment to let you know that I have had a look at your blog today.
    I am looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.
    Have a great term 1.

  6. Hello Lyah.
    I just thought I would check your blog to see if you had posted any new SLJ activity.
    I hope you had a wonderful holiday.


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
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